2 - Samplified - b*cms sample website - The Necessity of Embedded Images



B*cms has a built-in blog page with some additional functionality. It's articles are sorted by publishing date. There's no summary. Images has to be added to the text field. It has a link archive sorted by date. And it has support for comments via the third party application Disqus.

The Necessity of Embedded Images


Praesent leo tellus, ullamcorper a interdum viverra, bibendum id orci. Morbi hendrerit consequat orci non porttitor. Integer placerat ipsum eget massa volutpat nec ultrices risus porta. Nullam mollis, lorem rutrum accumsan faucibus, do lor elit condimentum lectus, eu aliquet dolor massa ut risus.

Nunc quis neque massa. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce malesuada nisl id augue commodo nec tristique diam faucibus. Curabitur vel ornare magna. Ut ac condimentum lorem.

Posted: 2013-01-07 13:34:25
blog comments powered by Disqus


B*cms has a built-in blog page with some additional functionality. It's articles are sorted by publishing date. There's no summary. Images has to be added to the text field. It has a link archive sorted by date. And it has support for comments via the third party application Disqus.