B*cms has a built-in blog page with some additional functionality. It's articles are sorted by publishing date. There's no summary. Images has to be added to the text field. It has a link archive sorted by date. And it has support for comments via the third party application Disqus.

And what about video, sound and other media?

If you're working with video or audio you won't have much to complain about even though some of the procedures regarding the posting of video and audio may seem a bit complicated at first. B*cms supports links from YouTube and Vimeo, and uploads of mp3 files and quicktime video in MOV format. 



Other video formats and embedable services, such as ISUU for pdf viewing, or instagram videos and tweets may be embedded. If you add linkable content to articles videos and audio will show up in article slideshows. Sorry, that sound of waves crashing in comes from the embedded mp3-file.



So, while there's still plenty of tweaking to do in this department, you still have a lot of options. Oh, that's an embedded tweet below btw.




Posted: 2013-12-05 18:51:26


B*cms has a built-in blog page with some additional functionality. It's articles are sorted by publishing date. There's no summary. Images has to be added to the text field. It has a link archive sorted by date. And it has support for comments via the third party application Disqus.